uses Tom Rokicki's dvips program to convert DVI files into PostScript. The DVIPS folder contains all the necessary supporting files in a couple of subfolders:
contains various input files required by dvips, such as config.ps, psfonts.map and the *.pro files.
contains the dvips documentation and some test files. To print off a copy of the dvips manual, run dvips.tex through TEX and print dvips.dvi.
The version of dvips included in contains a number of enhancements: Users of dvips on other systems should note that the following environment variables discussed in the dvips manual have been replaced by equivalent parameters:

		 TEXCONFIG 		 = ps_folders 		 (to find config.ps, psfonts.map)

DVIPSHEADERS = ps_folders (to find .pro/.enc/.pfa/.pfb/LWFN files)
TEXINPUTS = input_folders (to find \special files)
TEXFONTS = tfm_folders (to find TFM files)
VFFONTS = vf_folders (to find VF files)
TEXPKS = pk_files (to find PK files)
When searching for files, dvips always looks in the current folder (the same folder as the DVI file) before looking in the folders specified by the above parameters. In most operating systems, dvips uses the above environment variables to override the settings in config.ps. In 's case, config.ps can be used to override the above parameters, but it is not something I'd recommend doing unless you are an experienced dvips hacker. If you need to do this, note that Mac path names use colons to separate folders, so you must use commas to separate path names. NOTE: dvips does not use 's printing_resolution or printing_mode parameters. It uses the resolution and mode specified in config.ps. This approach allows more flexibility. For example, a person with two printers, one QuickDraw and one PostScript, could set up 's printing parameters for the QuickDraw printer and have quite different settings in config.ps for the PostScript printer.